Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Ex-Governor, New Inmate

Ex-Illinois Governor is Sentenced: George Ryan has been sentenced to 6 years for Integrity violations while at the helm. Not to get too preachy, but those who have earned or been granted that special trust and confidence that leaders enjoy must play the part...or pay the price. Here is a case where this old gent may pay with his life, being effectively too sick to survive his sentence, some say.

VOICE=Vision, Organization, Integrity, Communication, Execution= VOICE, simple little Boy Scout-like acronym to keep us squared away.

Laminate it, use it, put it in your ALICE pack (Marine for "back-pack") and take it to the field. Good piece of gear. Could have helped the Governor.

Good luck, Governor, lying in the bed that you made.


Boom out

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